Advances in computing power combined with interactive modeling software, which lets users create images as queries for searches have made 3Dsearch technology possible. The methodology used involves the following steps " Query formulation " Search process " Search result QUERY FORMULATION True 3D search systems offer two principal ways to formulate a query: Users can select objects from a catalog of images based on product groupings, such as gears or sofas; or they can utilize a drawing program to create a picture of the object they are looking for. or example, Princeton's 3D search engine uses an application to let users draw a 2D or b of the object they want to find. The above picture shows the query interface of a 3D search system. SEARCH PROCESS The 3D-search system uses algorithms to convert the selected or drawn image-based query into a a mathematical model that describes the features of the object being sought. This converts drawings and o...